Or you may already have a favorite style and a furniture retailer that you’ve worked with in the past. If this is your first home, check out our directory of local furniture stores in your area for ideas and cost comparisons. Planning on buying new furniture and accessories for your Sherman Oaks, CA home? A wide range of home furnishings and home decor accessories are available in the marketplace. The worst part of the experience is that the list of new furniture I now covet has grown substantially. The guys were on time and literally wore gloves while they were meticulously setting up the bed. Surprise #3 - The BEST delivery service I have ever had. Not that I expected to be ignored, but the service was way better that what I expected from a high end Brentwood store that typically caters to people willing to spend a lot more money than I did. Surprise #2 - The salesperson was extremely friendly. However, on sale it was totally comparable to other pieces I had seen at bigger retailers and the quality was soooo much better. Surprise #1 - I got a fantastic new bed, which truth be told was a little expensive. In search of a new bed worthy of an adult, I bit the bullet and decided to give Grace a try.
“Over the years I have wandered into Grace, but have always been a little intimidated to do any real shopping there - always figured it was too expensive.